If you know about illegal government spending through your job or otherwise, federal law allows you to become a “relator” of such abuse. In such cases, the entity or person that has misspent the public monies may owe back the money. You as a relator are awarded damages as well for performing a public service plus attorneys fees and costs. We take these cases on a contingency fee basis. Call us if you know of government abuse and misapplication of funds.
A whistle blower is someone who reports to authorities illegal activity within the government or company. There are laws in place to protect both sides. Call for a confidential conversation and find out about the Whistleblower Protection Act, False Claims Act protection, and any rewards if applicable. We take these cases on a contingency fee basis.
If you know about illegal government spending through your job or otherwise, federal law allows you to become a “relator” of such abuse. In such cases, the entity or person that has misspent the public monies may owe back the money. You as a relator are awarded damages as well for performing a public service plus attorneys fees and costs.
We take these cases on a contingency fee basis. Call us if you know of government abuse and misapplication of funds.
Get in touch with our Little Rock, Arkansas Whistleblower Attorneys today at (501)239-5979.
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