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Hurt In A Truck Wreck in arkansas?


Semi trucks are gigantic vehicles that can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Compared to the average 2,000-pound weight of a passenger vehicle, these trucks can cause devastating injuries, including amputation, spinal cord damage, or even death. You need an experienced truck accident lawyer in Little Rock, Arkansas to help you navigate your potential lawsuit. Have you been impacted by a semi-truck? Contact Little Rock Trial Lawyers today to assist with your case.

Big rig accidents cause such severe injuries because of their size, weight, and the force of impact when they collide with passenger cars or other vehicles.

Get In Touch With Our Little Rock Personal Injury Attorneys Today!

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Truck Wreck page

The most common types of truck wrecks include:

  • Rear-end: Many of these accidents occur from a truck driver following too closely or speeding.
  • T-Bone: These are also known as broadside accidents because the truck collides into the side of another vehicle.
  • Tire blowout: Errors in tire inflation or installation are common causes of these accidents.
  • Underride: Unfortunately, many people are severely injured or die in these accidents where a truck has high ground clearance, allowing a vehicle to slip underneath it.
  • Wide turn: If a truck driver turns too far or not enough to the left, they can cause head-on or side-impact collisions.
  • Blindspot: Truck drivers’ blind spots can extend the entire length of the right side of the trailer.
  • Head-on: These are one of the most dangerous types of truck accidents.
  • Jackknife: These are one of the more common types of truck accidents.
  • Lost cargo: Cargo can come loose, fall out, and cause an accident if it is not stored or balanced properly.
  • Rollover: If a truck driver takes a curve too quickly or has too heavy of a load, their trailer could lean away from the direction of the curved road and cause a rollover.

Award Winning Truck Wreck Attorneys in Arkansas


Settlement - Texas Truck Wreck


Settlement - Dram Shop Truck Wreck - Arkansas


Settlement - Truck Wreck Accident


Settlement - Rear End Collision Truck Wreck


If you were injured in any of type of truck accident, contact an Arkansas truck accident lawyer at Little Rock Trial Lawyers. Negligent truckers or their employers must be held accountable if they caused injuries in an accident. Because of semi trucks’ massive force of impact, a wide range of injuries are common among those involved. These injuries can include:

  • Neck and back injuries, including whiplash and fractures
  • Spinal cord injuries, including paralyzation
  • Brain and head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, open and closed head injuries
  • Burns and disfigurement
  • Amputation
  • Internal injuries, including liver or spleen lacerations
Read Our Truck Accident FAQs

Professional Semi-Truck Wreck Attorneys in Little Rock, Arkansas

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

Our expert truck wreck attorneys at Little Rock Trial Lawyers understand how to obtain the necessary evidence and witnesses to prove that the truck driver or their employer was at fault. Don’t let the insurance company talk you out of filing a lawsuit following your 18-wheeler accident in Arkansas; let Little Rock Trial Lawyers handle your case and recover the compensation you need.

Little Rock Trial Lawyers takes a methodical, research-driven approach to obtaining evidence. Truck wreck cases require special knowledge or the evidence in your case will be compromised. Big Rigs have “black boxes” in them that contain valuable evidence. This data must be captured quickly or the evidence will disappear. These black boxes contain valuable clues to the driver’s speed habits, braking habits and other driving issues.

SATELLITE INFORMATION: Many big rigs have satellite communication systems that tell the company where the truck is located at any particular time. These records will be destroyed in the normal course of business if the company is not put on notice to save this valuable information. This information is important because it must be compared against the driver’s log books for accuracy.

ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Our Arkansas semi truck accident attorneys will probably send an accident reconstruction expert to the wreck scene. This must occur very soon after the wreck so as to preserve evidence such as skid marks, gouge marks in the pavement and other valuable clues that will disappear over time.

BEWARE OF INSURANCE CALLING: Insurance companies have been known to “lull” people into a sense of security that they will “take care of you” all the while allowing this valuable evidence to disappear. They will call you “just to check on you” all the time gathering information they will use against you.

CELL PHONE RECORDS: It is illegal for a truck driver to speak on a phone, text or email while driving. Cell phone records can be discovered if there is a timely request from us to the driver’s cellular phone carrier. However, if a timely request is not made, the information will be destroyed.

INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Big rig companies are required by federal law to maintain at least $750,000.00 in liability insurance. Many of them carry much more insurance. They will never tell you the amount of their coverage without the assistance of an attorney.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Once the insurance company discovers your identity they will immediately begin to find out everything they can about you using Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram and other popular sites. DO NOT post about your case on these sites.

A statute of limitations is the deadline in which an individual can file a lawsuit against the person or company who caused their injury or property damage. If the individual does not meet the deadline, they will not be able to sue. The statute of limitations in Arkansas is three years for injury to a person and three years for personal property damages.

Make The Smart Choice in a Central Arkansas Truck Wreck Lawyer

The initial analysis of your Little Rock 18 wheeler accident case starts with the information you provide us and the official police report. If you do not have the police report, we can get it for you. We can only give you specific advice once we have conducted a full investigation into the facts of your case.

Choose Little Rock Trial Lawyers to be your truck accident attorney in Arkansas or the Little Rock area. Our award-winning lawyers have the experience, resources, dedication, reputation, and skill to get you the compensation you need.

 Call us today at 501-239-5979 or contact us online for a free consultation. We promise to do everything we can to win your trust and your case.

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  • Why Do I Need a Truck Accident Lawyer?

    There are a few things to consider before beginning work on a case. You can look at the following factors, including why you might need a lawyer in the first place, to help you choose the best Little Rock truck accident attorneys for your individual needs.

    In 2017, Arkansas recorded 84 truck-related fatalities. Even without fatalities, injuries from a truck-related accident can be severe. Burns, scrapes, and broken bones aren’t unusual, as well as serious brain or spinal cord injuries and even death.

    Insurance companies try to pay the least compensation possible when they’re on the hook. If the driver at fault works for a trucking company, they’re not inclined to pay compensation either.

    Navigating the complex world of insurance companies – not to mention the court system – requires an experienced Little Rock truck accident lawyer. The lawyer has the resources to investigate the scene of the accident, document evidence relating to fault and damages, help decide on a course of action, and, if necessary, the knowledge to argue a case in front of a jury.

    The bottom line is that it’s too much for the average person to do alone. An experienced Arkansas Truck Accident attorney knows the tricks that the insurance company will use to defeat or minimize your claim. Your attorney will employ strategies to help you seek the maximum amount of compensation available, which can be far more than you would have access to on your own.

  • How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Help Me?

    We all know the story of David and Goliath. When you are involved in a truck accident, you are up against powerful corporations and insurance companies that will spare no expense in either defeating or minimizing your claim. They may resort to bullying you if you do not have an experienced Little Rock truck accident lawyer on your side. Little Rock Trial Lawyers are willing to take on corporate America on your behalf. Little Rock Trial Lawyers knows the tricks they play against you. And we have the resources and experience to fight for your maximum compensation.

    Those who are lucky enough to survive an accident with an 18-wheeler are likely to have serious injuries, not to mention catastrophic damage to their automobile. Often, serious injuries do not manifest themselves for days or even weeks after the accident.

    That is where an experienced Little Rock truck accident lawyer comes in. At Hall Taylor Law Partners, our lawyers concentrate on personal injury cases. Because of our excellent client experience, we are regularly voted as some of the best lawyers in Arkansas and the United States. We won’t charge you unless and until you win your case, and we will always act aggressively to seek the compensation you deserve.

    Call us today at 501-404-2333 or contact us online to schedule a risk-free consultation, and start building your case today.

  • What Do I Look for When Choosing a Semi-truck Accident Lawyer?

    Every year, over 450,000 accidents involving 18-wheelers happen in the United States. Arkansas is seventh in the nation when it comes to the number of fatalities in truck accidents with 12.2 percent. Poor maintenance, tired or distracted driving, and poor road conditions make accidents more likely. When accidents involve a big rig, it can get expensive and deadly.

    If you get injured in an accident with a semi-truck in Arkansas, you’re going to need a proven, experienced Little Rock truck accident lawyer. Hall Taylor Law Partners fits the criteria and then some. Our experienced lawyers have the know-how, resources and dedication to make sure you get compensation from at-fault truckers, their company, and your insurance company. Give us a call at 501-404-2333 or contact us online now, and let us set up a free, no-risk consultation to discuss your case.

  • What Questions Should I Ask a Truck Accident Lawyer?

    If you’re in an accident with an 18-wheeler, you must take the proper precautions in protecting yourself legally, mentally, physically, and financially.

    Don’t feel bad if you don’t know where to begin. The average American driver lacks the critical legal knowledge needed for handling a wreck with a commercial vehicle. The good news is that help is available. Little Rock Trial Lawyers is your best bet at getting the assistance and support you need in this stressful time.

    Little Rock Trial Lawyers have over 45 years of applied experience in representing drivers just like you who have found themselves reeling in the wake of an accident with a big rig on one of Arkansas many roadways. We can provide you with a Little Rock truck accident lawyer to represent you during the claims process and help you seek out the maximum amount of compensation available. Call us at (501) 404-2333 or contact us online to schedule a free, no-obligation case review.

    Until then, we’ve compiled a list of important questions to ask your truck accident attorney. The answers to these questions can give you the confidence you need to move forward with a case.

  • Do I Have a Case?

    It may sound simple enough, but in many instances, it is difficult for the average person to tell what information and circumstances amount to a credible case.  Don’t be discouraged by your own assessment or the advice of family and friends. You may have a strong truck accident injury claim despite many factors that would seem to stand in your way. For instance, even if you received a ticket as a result of your accident, you very well may still have a case against the commercial driver or the corporation that owned the truck.

    For the most part, the same traffic laws that apply to daily drivers apply to commercial drivers. However, there are additional rules in place for long-haul truckers to make sure they are operating responsibly. Many factors come into play when determining whether or not a case can be made, and our attorneys will need to complete a full assessment of the parameters surrounding your claim before offering you specific advice or representation.

    An attorney at Little Rock Trial Lawyers will gladly go over the details of your accident and begin putting the pieces of the puzzle together. They can determine what causes of action you have, what damages might be available, and what evidence can support your claim.

     We generally start with your statement, gather statements from witnesses and obtain a copy of the police report. Often, time is of the essence because we will hire an accident reconstruction expert to visit the accident scene and hire experts to obtain critical evidence from the truck itself. 

  • What Do I Need To Do?

    • Hire a truck accident lawyer to assist you immediately. Time is of the essence as oftentimes critical evidence, such as skid marks on the pavement, the “black box” data from the truck and even dash cam video footage can disappear unless they are properly preserved through experts that Little Rock Trial Lawyers will hire on your behalf. 
    • Do not post information on social media, talk to insurance companies or strangers about your case. Any information you put out there, whether via phone calls, social media, or police statements, can be turned around and used against you. This is especially true if you make statements consistent with the idea that you don’t think someone else is at fault or you don’t think you have significant damages. Because of this risk, reach out to a lawyer who is experienced in handling truck accident claims before speaking to any insurance companies or posting on social media.
    • Take photos of your car and document your injuries through photographs. These can be very helpful in the pursuit of your case before the insurance company and a jury that might hear your case.
    • Take care of yourself and follow your medical care provider’s advice. A common defense asserted in truck accident cases is that the injured person did not follow the doctor’s advice in the course of their treatment. 
  • How Experienced Are You In Handling Cases Similar to Mine?

    Perhaps one of the most important pieces of “homework” you can do when vetting a potential truck accident lawyer is to take a look at their track record. How many cases involving parameters similar to yours have they taken on? How many have they won? How many have they lost? What caused a loss? How many jury trials have you conducted?

    You’re not just looking for any experience; you want specific, applicable, understanding. You want to make sure you aren’t wasting your time working with a newbie or someone who dabbles in many areas while excelling at none. You also want to be sure your potential legal representative has the resources to take on a case like yours.

     No two cases are identical, but an attorney who has successfully handled situations similar to yours can confidently fight on your behalf. They will know what you are up against, understand how the process works, and know what kind of work needs to be done. Ask for client testimonials if you feel uncertain.

  • What Does This Process Typically Involve?

    Remember: your attorney works for you. You should feel comfortable asking them for details and examples. Communication goes a long way in preparing you for what’s to come. If you have properly vetted your truck accident attorney, you should be able to ask them to walk you through the typical process for an injury claim and give you an idea of what to expect. 

    We start by taking action to secure the available evidence. This may involve hiring an accident reconstruction expert to visit the accident scene to secure critical evidence such as skid marks, defaced road signage, guard rails and other photographic evidence.

    We collect your medical information to document your injuries. Be mindful that your case can not settle or go to trial until you have reached maximum medical improvement.

    We contact the motor carrier and their insurance company on your behalf to asset your claim.

    Once you have reached maximum medical improvement, we make a monetary demand on your behalf. If the insurance carrier won’t acknowledge your claim, we file formal litigation.

  • What Kind of Compensation Can I Expect?

    This may be one of the more uncomfortable aspects of working with a lawyer, but there is no shame in asking about compensation and possible outcomes. You want to make sure that you will be able to recover all your losses. Plus, your time is valuable.

    Be mindful, every case is different. Various factors can impact the value of your case. Venue, the specific facts, the cost of your medical care, lost wages and any permanent injuries can all impact the value of your case. An experienced truck accident attorney should be able to give you some idea of how much compensation to expect. Every case is unique, but ballpark predictions can be given based on your injuries, broad case details, evidence, and your lawyer’s experience.

  • How and When Do You Collect Your Fees?

    Legal fees are a big part of the decision-making process when speaking with a truck accident lawyer in Arkansas.

    The collection of fees can vary. Your attorney should be able to tell you how this part of the process plays out once they have gathered the appropriate information for your specific case.

    Typically, personal injury attorneys will take your case through a written contingency agreement. A contingency agreement means that your attorney will ask for no money upfront and they will only charge you if they recover money for you. However, every lawyer is different, so it’s better to learn from the onset what they intend to charge and how their billing works.

  • How Do Insurance Companies Handle Truck Accident Claims?

    Have you or a loved one recently been involved in a collision with an 18-wheeler in Arkansas? If so, you may be wondering how to navigate an insurance claim, and how insurance claims involving commercially-operated vehicles are resolved. 

    These accidents can lead to significant damages, including medical bills, lost wages, permanent injuries, loss of limbs, and even death.  Having your claim handled properly is critical for you to get all of the compensation you deserve to recover and move on with your life.

    However, insurance companies will use every resource available to deny coverage for certain injuries or to deny your claim altogether. 

    Face it. They adjust truck accident claims every day. They have completed the process tens of thousands of times. Chances are, you have never had to navigate the claims process in a truck accident before. And if you are injured, chances are high that your resources are limited. 

    You need help to keep from falling into the traps set by the insurance company and to level the playing field. Hire an experienced Little Rock truck accident lawyer as your ally and advocate during the claims process.

    With over 45 years of hands-on experience across the South and a commitment to client-centered practice, Little Rock Trial Lawyers are dedicated to helping you get the justice and compensation you deserve. We will come to you, wherever you are, to discuss your case. 

    Learn more about the insurance claims process and speak to a Little Rock truck accident lawyer near you during a free, no-obligation case review. Simply call (501) 404-2333 or contact us online to schedule your free appointment today. Again, we will come to you, wherever you are, to discuss your case with you and your loved ones. 

    This information explains why you need an experienced lawyer as you navigate the many less-than-honest or downright deceptive measures these multi-billion dollar companies will take when trying to avoid responsibility to the very public they claim to protect. Continue reading so you will know what to expect and won’t fall victim to their predatory measures! 

    How the Insurance Claims Process Is Supposed to Work

    The following list shows the ideal scenario when you file a truck accident injury claim with an insurance company representing the at-fault driver and their employer. 

    Unfortunately, not every insurance interaction will involve such a clean, responsive back-and-forth resolution, so read further to learn what types of complications, roadblocks, and advice that may arise or be useful during your case.

    The insurance company receives notice of an accident and a possible claim.

    You receive medical attention and get a full diagnosis from your doctor. While you heal, you calculate all of your damages and estimate future costs.

    You and your Little Rock truck accident attorney file a demand letter informing the insurance company of all your losses, the basis of your claim, and any relevant evidence.

    The insurance company responds. They are not obligated to inform you if your claim is under investigation or if they need time to review it further. However, they are expected to make a timely settlement offer compensating you for all of your losses.

    The insurance company makes a settlement offer. Do not sign this offer until you’ve had it reviewed by an experienced truck accident lawyer!  Otherwise, you will not be entitled to any additional funds for hidden injuries and you will be barred from any legal action, except in extremely rare cases.

    If you are not satisfied with the offer, you and your attorney can propose a counteroffer along with your legal justification (according to the language of the policy) and any additional relevant evidence.

    Once a satisfactory settlement agreement is negotiated, you will be compensated for your losses. If no agreement can be made, then you and your attorney can file a lawsuit against the insurance company asking for your damages to be awarded by a jury of your peers. 

    Roadblocks to Expect and Rules to Follow When Dealing with Insurers

    Insurance companies will fully investigate your claim with an eye toward denying liability for your injuries. The statement does not begin to scratch the surface of the tactics insurers use to reduce your settlement value. 

    Little Rock Trial Lawyers know their tactics and strategies because we have seen them time and time again. We will develop our own strategy to combat the insurance company as it seeks to reduce or deny your claim. 

    Here is what you can expect when facing an insurance claim against a truck driver. Some simple rules are included that will protect you from unscrupulous insurance companies. 

    We are all familiar with the story of David and Goliath. The insurance company has more resources than 100 law firms and they are willing to use them to their advantage to reduce or eliminate their responsibility to you. 

    Little Rock Trial Lawyers will employ rules of law and procedures that are designed to protect innocent truck accident victims. Don’t be unwittingly bullied by an insurance company. 

    JUST DON’T DO IT. There is a 99% chance your words will be used against you. Little Rock Trial Lawyers understand the rules of evidence and how your words can be twisted. Even the most innocent statements can be skewed against you. If someone calls, simply take their name and number and firmly decline any further comment. 

    You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law or settlement negotiations. Sound like you have been arrested? You probably haven’t, but you need to act like you have. Don’t fall for the sympathetic voice. In the aftermath of an accident, insurance companies will act quickly, placating you with false compassion and an eager listening ear. 

    Beware this tactic! Every communication with your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company can and will be scrutinized and twisted to be used against you.

    Be extremely cautious of what you say to anyone calling to talk about your claim. Be cautious of who you speak to in an operating waiting room or emergency room. Advise your loved ones to do the same. Despite their understanding tone, make no mistake – insurance companies and their representatives are not on your side. 

    It is always in your best interest to have the assistance of a lawyer in your communications with an insurance agent. Always decline to make a recorded statement any time they request it.

    The insurance company and the trucking company more than likely dispatched a team of experts to the accident scene. They analyzed the wreck scene and collected photographs of the vehicles, destroyed guard rails, signs, and skid marks, all of which can be valuable clues to the cause of the accident. 

    They will collect dash camera video, anti-collision data, and probably the “black box” from the truck before the carnage from the accident is ever removed from the scene. You need an experienced truck accident lawyer to help you get the evidence that the insurance company gathered early in the game. 

    The insurance company knows if the truck was well-maintained or not. They know if its tires were bald or its braking system was defective. They know if the driver was speeding or was in violation of other laws that specifically apply to truckers. When the insurance company calls, they more than likely already know what happened. In any conversation with an insurance company, they are looking for concessions from you.  

    There is a time and place for everything. You may be responsible in whole or part for the truck accident. However, NEVER claim any level of responsibility for the truck accident until you speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer and your claim is fully investigated. 

    Defective brakes, tires, or other maintenance issues could have contributed to the wreck. You can’t know this until an investigation is complete. If anyone asks, simply take the name and number of the person who called you and kindly decline to speak with them further. 

    The moment the insurance company learns of the wreck, they immediately begin to use the internet and other resources to learn as much about you as they can. They will specifically use social media to learn about you, your family, lifestyle, and beliefs. They will use zip codes and other information readily available on the internet to categorize you into a group and later even use your beliefs against you. 

    You must assume that you are being followed or videotaped at all times after the truck accident. Drones are now being used to video record victims in their own backyards. Cases have been won and lost with hidden videotapes. 

    One of the biggest errors made by unrepresented victims of truck wrecks is to sign an unlimited, overreaching medical release provided by the insurance company. Certainly, your medical treatment necessitated by the truck accident, as defined and outlined by your medical records, will be provided to the insurance company to justify your claim. 

    However, NOT ALL of your records are subject to perusal by the insurance company. Furthermore, medical releases must be limited. Prevent the insurance company from speaking to your medical care providers without your attorney present. They won’t tell you this when they ask you to sign a medical release. 

    No one likes to be sick. We want to be well and return to our jobs and previous lifestyle. Similarly, no one likes to endure the fears and risks associated with medical procedures like surgeries. However, you must remember that your doctor documents what you say to them during your visits. 

    NEVER understate your medical symptoms or minimize the pain that you are experiencing as a result of your injuries. If you tell your doctor you are fine when you are not, your words will be used against you in settlement negotiations or before a jury of your peers. 

    Likewise, never tell anyone you were not hurt until you have undergone a full examination by your medical provider. Many serious injuries do not manifest until days or even weeks after a violent collision. You may be seriously injured and not even know it. As time passes, the insurance company will blame late symptoms on your job or your lifestyle. 

    If your doctor tells you to stay home from work, stay home from work. If they tell you to not walk, then don’t walk. The insurance company will use your reluctance to follow your treatment plan against you by saying “the condition was obviously not that serious” or “you caused your own injury to be aggravated or delayed in healing”. 

    Medical decisions are complicated. Will the procedure be successful? How long will it take me to get well? Can I afford this? What are the risks? Do not let the proverbial tail wag the dog. Specifically, make medical decisions for yourself based on your health, not your case. 

    However, be mindful that insurance companies do not pay on a recommended medical procedure that you did not undertake. They pay on surgeries and other procedures that actually occurred. If you decline treatment and settle your case, you can not go back to the insurance company for additional monies to compensate you. Therefore, make these decisions carefully. 

     Insurance companies profit if they pay you a settlement that is less than its value. The lower the amount they can convince you to accept, the more they get to keep for themselves. That way, they get to keep the premiums they collect from policyholders instead of paying them out to vulnerable people just like you.

    It is difficult to think clearly when you are in shock after a life-threatening accident or in pain from your injuries. In this highly emotional state, you are an easy target for a raw deal. Insurance companies know you have medical bills, towing and mechanic fees, potential traffic tickets from the incident, lost earnings from missed work, a family to feed and care for, and myriad other financial fears on your shoulders.

    Insurance companies are banking on your panic, hoping you will be too overwhelmed to look further into what would be considered adequate compensation. This is why you should have a truck accident attorney representing you when negotiating with insurance. Your attorney will be able to determine exactly what kind of compensation is available to you, and more importantly, how to get it.

    As a claimant, you almost certainly have what is known as a “duty to cooperate” clause in your personal insurance policy. This means that you are legally required to cooperate with your insurance company by providing documentation of expenses, damages, and medical treatment.

    It can be an exhausting process to gather all of this information. Without the protection of an attorney, insurance companies will pull out all the stops in discrediting your claimed expenses. They will try to get you to admit partial fault or catch you contradicting the severity of your injuries.

    Do not speak to the other driver’s insurance without the help of a truck accident attorney. Your ‘duty to cooperate’ only applies to your own insurance company; it does not apply to the other driver’s insurer. While they may seem friendly enough, any information they can gather is valuable in their case against you. 

    Avoid creating any friction by politely refusing to answer any questions from the insurance company. Simply provide your basic contact information and confirmation of the details on the police report. Continue referring them to your attorney at Little Rock Trial Lawyers each time they contact you.

    Insurance companies are not above digging up dirt. Expect to have your personhood picked apart with a fine-tooth comb. Agents will almost certainly research the internet to learn who you are, what resources you may have access to, and how they might be able to discredit you and your claim.

    Do NOT post on social media. Be wary of what you say to law enforcement and medical staff, and what kinds of innocent chit-chat you let slip during phone calls with anyone other than your attorney. Advise your loved ones to do the same. 

    If you find yourself being scrutinized, do not play into this fear tactic; always defer to your legal representative. Little Rock Trial Lawyers can talk the talk and walk the walk when under fire by insurance companies eager to avoid liability by attempting to embarrass or harass you. And not to worry, turnabout is fair play. We will also use our own resources to learn all we can about the truck driver and the trucking company. 

    Another classic tactic of big insurance companies is dragging out your claims process, dodging your calls, avoiding giving direct answers, and passing you from one representative to another. 

    The goal is to give them as much time as possible to build a case against you while exhausting you into accepting a settlement. Do not let them give you the runaround! 

    Having an experienced Arkansas truck accident attorney representing you can significantly cut down on this unprofessional game-playing. Little Rock Trial Lawyers know all the tricks and bluffs of the trade. We will not tolerate you being taken advantage of or led astray by multibillion-dollar insurance companies. 

    You need protection from insurance company tactics. Expect Little Rock Trial Lawyers to use every rule, procedure, statute, and law to protect your rights to the compensation you deserve. 

    Stress is a killer. Literally. It also interferes with your body’s ability to mend itself both properly and timely. Let Little Rock Trial Lawyers take on your worry. 

  • How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Prove Negligence Caused My Truck Accident?

    Little Rock Trial Lawyers knows the law that applies to truckers. What the average person calls “fault” is referred to as “negligence” in most truck accident cases. However, there are many special laws and rules that apply to truckers and the trucks they drive. If you are able to prove that the driver who hit you or their employer was negligent in some way, then they are legally obligated to pay for the costs of your accident damages.

    To help you build a strong claim, Little Rock Trial Lawyers will look for an action, failure to take action or other behavior that qualifies as a breach in the duty of care. Common examples of negligence that can lead to a truck accident include:

    • Overwork or Exhaustion – Drivers are required to take breaks and not overextend themselves. However, they are also usually under strict timetables. Some push themselves too far, which can make them groggy and reduce their reaction time.
    • Stimulant, Alcohol, or Drug Use – Because of the pressure of their schedules, some drivers use stimulants to stay awake so they can drive longer. Stimulant use can affect eyesight and reaction time and driving while under the influence is just as dangerous for truckers as it is for any other driver.
    • Overloaded or Improperly Loaded Freight – The average 18-wheeler weighs around 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. Trailers must be loaded properly to keep from shifting or moving during transport, which can affect how the truck moves in transit.
    • Poor Maintenance – Trucks spend a lot of time on the road and that means a lot of wear and tear. Federal regulations require that a truck be fully inspected at least every 10,000 miles. This includes tires, fluids, electrical wiring, and systems. Poor maintenance could result in something going wrong at full speed and a driver unable to control their truck.
    • Lack of Training – Getting a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) in Arkansas requires a driver to pass a written test and a driving test. No other formal training is required. A lack of proper training can result in an inexperienced driver making the wrong move at the wrong time.
    • Distracted Driving, Texting While Driving, Using Cell Phones, etc. – Like anyone behind the wheel, a trucker needs to pay attention to the road and surrounding traffic. As foolish as it is to use a cell phone driving a 2,000-pound car, it’s much worse when a fully loaded 18-wheeler is roaring down the road. 
  • Should I Have a Lawyer When I Call My Insurance After a Truck Accident?

    If you’ve been in an accident with a truck in Arkansas, your first concern should be getting the medical attention you need. Without seeing a doctor, your chances of recovering, both medically and financially, drop significantly. Your insurance company also likely obliges you to report any accidents within a short window of time after an accident. 

    However, it may not be a good idea to speak to your insurance company without the proper legal knowledge or representation.

    Dealing with insurance after an accident can be complicated and frustrating. Yet, avoiding your insurance company can get you into trouble down the line. Enlisting the help of an experienced legal team is the best way to make sure you can recover while other concerns are taken care of by a trusted local truck accident attorney.

    Remember that insurance companies are primarily interested in avoiding payouts to claimants. Be prepared whenever you speak with one of their representatives. Even if you intend to file a third-party claim with an at-fault driver’s policy, speaking with your insurance provider can involve a risky discussion. Often, the easiest and safest option is to call insurance with a lawyer present on the phone. 

    If you’ve been in an accident with a commercial truck, reach out to us for a free, no-risk consultation at (501) 404-2333. Little Rock Trial Lawyers have helped dozens of victims of Arkansas truck accident victims recover damages from negligent drivers and freight companies and can help you as well.

    Do I Need to Report an Accident to My Insurance If It Was the Other Driver’s Fault?

    Firstly, if the trucking company, their insurance, or any legal entity representing the other driver in an accident contacts you, you have no legal obligation to speak with them. You simply need to provide notice of a possible claim, give them your contact information, and confirm the details on the police report. We advise that you do not speak to them without counsel. 

    Even when speaking with your own insurance company or the police, be cautious and avoid oversharing. Simply stick to the facts of the case. It’s important to remain consistent when describing the events, as any doubt about your credibility could hurt your overall chances of recovering damages.

    Sometimes, your insurer may have a different vision of how your case should end. In some instances, they may want to settle for less than you think your damages are worth. Depending on the information you’ve provided, you’ll have a harder time making an argument for continuing the fight.

    The most likely situation where you and your insurance company are at odds is when dealing with an uninsured or underinsured driver. In truck accident cases, many drivers behind the wheel of a big rig are private contractors, meaning you may not be able to seek damages from the freight company if you’re unable to prove an employer-employee relationship. 

    If a private contracted truck driver doesn’t have the insurance necessary to cover your damages, you may need to file an uninsured or underinsured motorist claim, putting you and your insurance company at odds. In this case, your insurance company will aim to reduce the damages owed by as much as possible, and anything you’ve told them will be used to do so.

  • How Much Will a Lawyer Cost Me After a Truck Accident?

    Those injured by negligent truck drivers must assert their legal rights and counter the actions the opposing side will take to limit those rights. When you’re involved in a truck accident, you’re immediately up against some pretty hefty legal forces. The carrier company and their insurer will both immediately assemble their attorneys in an attempt to cover the damage and remove any liability to the extent possible. 

    In short, you need a Little Rock truck accident lawyer after you’ve been in a wreck with an eighteen-wheeler or other big commercial truck. Your attorney can help you prepare a strong injury claim demonstrating liability and help you get ready for any defense or counter-allegations that could be coming your way.

    But how much does a lawyer cost? Initially, not a penny! Most truck accident lawyers in Little Rock are willing to work through what’s called a contingency agreement. This agreement means you pay nothing upfront. You only owe your attorney if or when you successfully obtain compensation.

    You can also speak to an attorney for absolutely free and with no obligation during your initial case review appointment at Hall Taylor Law Partners. Call (501) 404-2333 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today.

    How Does a Contingency Agreement Work?

    Personal injury law is different from most other forms of legal practice because injuries can affect anybody. However, not everyone who’s hurt can afford an attorney. If a victim tries to face the trucking company’s insurers without legal representation, they may have their claim severely reduced or denied altogether.

    Hiring an experienced truck accident lawyer in Little Rock gives you the knowledge, resources, and legal strength to negotiate with insurers on an even playing field. Plus, if no agreement can be made, you and your attorney can argue your case in court.

    Most injury attorneys are willing to accept payment only if they can successfully recover money for their client. Because their payment is “contingent” on – meaning dependent upon – a successful outcome, the agreement is often known as a contingency agreement.

    Under a contingency agreement, an attorney can agree to represent you and take on your case while charging you nothing upfront. If they cannot obtain a settlement or win you a favorable verdict, they get nothing. This arrangement places nearly all of the risk on the legal team while giving individuals who are financially disadvantaged the ability to hire a lawyer immediately.

    How Much Do I Owe My Attorney If We Have a Contingency Agreement and They Win My Case?

    Every law firm is different, but many will take a percentage of the final award or settlement value as their legal fee. This may or may not include certain legal fees and other obligations. 

    When you hire a lawyer, make sure the terms are crystal-clear. They may be willing to forego certain expenses in exchange for a set percentage of the final award before deductions. They may also be willing to switch to a “lump sum” arrangement to pay for their services, but they may require some of this payment upfront.

    While having an attorney take a portion of your award may sound too generous, the reality is that without an attorney your chances of obtaining complete compensation are reduced. Using legal strategies, evidence, and a familiarity with how insurers work, your attorney can help you argue for a larger settlement than you would likely receive on your own.

    Besides, this arrangement strongly motivates your lawyer to seek out every penny possible. It means your attorney will do everything they can to maximize your chances of winning – otherwise, they don’t get paid!

Get in touch with our Little Rock, Arkansas Truck Wreck Attorneys today at (501)239-5979.

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